Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra


Emergency blip as I had a very busy and exhausting day at work ... I even thought of skipping today but then I decided to blip the first thing I could think of. So here they are ... coins from the places I have traveled to. Not too many though...

Maybe my energy level and blip motivation will come back after a good night sleep.

Update (8:20 AM Next Morning):

Rested and ready to face the new day. Yesterday was the Final Year Project presentation of my students. After a rigorous evaluation session of 3 hours and a faculty discussion of over an hour, it was decided to deffer their grade as the External Examiner was unavailable for the evaluation. These students will have to meet with him and with his feedback, only after that their grade will be finalized. These students are walking through the convocation this November. I had a headache the whole day yesterday. These headaches are getting quite frequent now. During the evaluation it got worse and the evening while I was driving back home, I was wondering how I was driving.

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