Gable Erratic

By MsGable


There I was trawling round the garden for a blip before the rains came down, when up popped this wee mouse by the tree stump. "Watch out," I said "Freddie the cat is about". "Don't worry," said Leafear, "I am a magic mouse. When you see your stupid cat, tail in the air, racing after leaves blowing across the grass, that is me. It is not just a leaf he is chasing, but I, Leafear the Courageous. He will never catch me". And with a whistle to the wind he was gone, hurling and twirling and scampering across the garden.

Photoshop mirror imaging has a lot to answer for. I'll try again but for now my accidental meeting with Leafear will have to do. And to think, I had a day off today and thought I'd blip early. Hah!

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