Imu Pro

I visited a new doctor in Johannesburg last Wednesday, desperate to find a solution to quite serious arthritic pain as well as unbearable urticaria! Eisch, had lots of blood tests done and a lót of dollars later, I got the results of some of the tests today!! :-(

It seems like my Autoimmune system is quite confused!! It causes arthritis as well as urticaria (hives). The tests run by this company in Durban, originated in Germany, where they test your blood for all sorts of allergies! I am stunned at the amount of things I am allergic to!! Yikes, I never had allergy problems in my younger days, but they suspect the malaria meds I had to take só often while we stayed in Zambia, because I had malaria eleven times in the 51 months we stayed there, may have caused the 'collapse' of my immune system!!

I am quite upset tonight, I must admit! I don't really know what I am going to eat from now on, the foods I love is a definite NO, NO! No wheat (bread as well), no oats, no dairy, no beef, no, no, no!! Eisch!

I will go to the doctor as soon as she has an appointment for me, she will just have to help make plans around the few foods I am allowed, because I am truly going to work very hard on this, I can't stand not to feel well, I am actually usually a very healthy person! Please pray for me!

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