Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mickey Mouse...I want Mickey Mouse!!!

Oh My I see a millimetre gap in that drawer...
Quick, mummy is distracted, daddy is asleep,
my fingers can just slide in, ease it open,
quick glance, make sure not spotted yet,
hand slowly reaching in, a grin of great delight,
as the mickey mouse DVD hiding place,
is well and truly discovered,
in with the nappies and wet wipes,
the drawer quickly emptied,
a dvd grabbed, my little legs running,
must get to mummy, show her what I did,
little noises escape me, mamamamama,
look at me, How clever am I,
Mummy smiles down at me, says sorry fernie,
the TV's daddy's control,
I frown, puzzled,
But I do a quick turn round,
my little legs running to daddy,
throw it into his lap,
a squeak of dadadadadadada,
rudely awoken, he looks at me, muttering,
I pick it back up, throw it more,
come on daddy, get the hint,
He smiles, picks me up, snuggles me in,
as mickey mouse comes on the TV,
how happy am I, I love my mickey mouse!

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