
12 months + 14 days

Charge is exactly what Katie does - everywhere, she belts around at high speed, with her characteristic grin on her face, laughing at herself as she goes. Note her bunny slippers that I bought her for her Christmas stocking.... I couldnt' resist giving her them though!

We went to montessori today. She was completely obsessed with the swing and went in it three times. The pasta was also out for the first time since september, but she was a little less impressed as it was on the table which she can't reach properly yet!

We're playing at home this afternoon and she has shown me her impressive grasp of domestic skills - in the past hour she has: taken clothes, put them in the machine (which she'd opened by herself) closed the washing machine door and turned it on; set the oven to come on at 13.45 (oven option wasn't selected so it didn't get hot, just beeped); taken the dust pan and brush round; and attempted to make phone calls on the mobile and home phones!

We went out for a bit of a walk later on, and I loved it. Katie was walking and found a huge stretch of pavement with lots of leaves. The look of joy on her face as she stamped and kicked the leaves was magical. She chased across the street trying to keep on leaves as much as possible.

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