
2 years 14days

Katie has decided she likes to get dressed in my bedroom, when I do. For one key reason, I suspect - so she can bounce on the bed, which she does with great gusto.

She was a bit annoyed at me when she realised she was going to nursery, but they said she had a really happy morning. Although she was a bit sad for some of the afternoon, they said she's had a lot of fun because they've started practising the songs for their nativity! Not sure I expected or am ready for a nativity just yet. I melted even at the idea of her doing "Achhooo achooo achoo" to When Santa got stuck up the Chimney -but she did and loved it.

I was a little concerned/frustrated - Maike, one of the ones Katie definitely likes, said today that even though Katie was asking a lot, they took her every time she asked to go to the potty, and consequently, she had no accidents this afternoon. It felt a very fundamental observation to me, and one that I was a bit frustrated they took so long to make. I was angry at the implication that this wasnt the method they had adopted before. She drinks a lot at nursery, as I think she uses her juice cup for a comforter, so she wees a lot. I have never known her ask to go to the toilet, just for the attention - and they have on previous days said that she "does something" every time she asks. But I am glad they have decided to take her seriously now.

After nursery, she had a really fab time playing with Kiki and her mum, whilst I delivered her cot to a new home (gorgeous little twinnies who are currently sharing, very cute little babies!) and then we all four had a nice time together, with the girls running round very very quickly. Kiki hasnt seen Katie in a small one-on-one situation for a while, and loved that Katie could chat properly to her now.

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