Try Again

I blipped earlier but found it so bland that I deleted it. So I headed out at lunch to a viewpoint trying to get views of Lincoln, but nothing grabbed me. The Red Arrows were practising overhead, that didn't grab me either.

Then I spotted this fallen from a tree and for some reason thought 'why not'. I did say yesterday that I'd try and write something each day to compliment my shots but today I'm going to hand you over to The King Blues and a few lines from their recent song 'Headbutt'.

"She had a scream that rattled, The seeds inside the apples
When she uncaged her cackle, Jackals travelled just to battle

Asthmatics lose their breath, The traffic all gets wrecked
The Smokers laps collect, all their dropped cigarettes

She says that life is like a jungle, and not like a zoo
Participate, don't spectate, become the view
Man if Scarface said it, It's just got to be true
So this world, this world right here, this world is for you

I said to all my mates, she won't make a monkey out of me
But when she kissed me it felt like a headbutt
It felt like a headbutt"

Admittedly this is a shortnened version paraphrasing the bits I think are worth saying. Recently I was kissed and it felt like a headbutt.

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