'im indoors

By imindoors

You Do The Math.

Following on from yesterday's lesson in architecture, I was going to give you an introduction to astro-physics, but it turned a bit cloudy so I've had to abandon that particular avenue of knowledge.
However, a couple of fellow blippers asked if I could enlighten them on the fascinatingly complex world of mathematics.

Craftynini. You seem alarmed by the horrors of long division. Rest easy, it's a lot less terrifying than you think.....simply take the big number and, below it, write a DIVISION SIGN. Beside the DIVISION SIGN write the smaller number. Now all you have to do is divide and, by the wonder of maths, you will get a number that is smaller than the big number but bigger than the smaller number. Easy!

Timotay. Most of humankind has put you down as a lost cause when it comes to NUMBERS.....that's NUM-BURRS.....but I shall endeavour to reach that brain cell that presently occupies itself with finger-painting.
You asked whether I could help with percentages with particular reference to the 110% often quoted on your TV sports channels that 'come from far away'. The formula is:
110% = 47% effort + (£100,000 weekly wage - 24 IQ).
I hope that helps!

Anyone else have a topic for which they require clarification? I'm here all week.

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