Dr Jones

By jones

Early morning walk

My daughter and I went for an early morning walk with friends to Bushy Park this morning followed by a coffee at Costa. My other daughter was playing football for her school team and my son was playing rugby. In the afternoon they had kayaking but my daughter who was playing football didn't make it back in time so we went shopping instead and I spent far too much. I've had to live my life with a very old fashioned name, Beryl (Thanks Dad). I picked up a lovely green hooded top for my youngest daughter in H&M. At the checkout I realised that it had my name on it ! (and no it didn't say Beryl the peril). When I gave it to my daughter, she was delighted.
We're down to two kids tonight. My youngest has gone for a sleepover at her friend's and she insisted on wearing her Beryl top.

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