Dr Jones

By jones

The Angler's firework display

Hubby got up at 5am to catch a flight to Turin. It was a busy morning driving the kids here, there and everywhere. I picked up my daughter from her sleepover. OMG - she looked a right mess. She'd only had about 3 hours sleep and boy was she snappy.
In the afternoon, I told the kids that we'd go for a long bike ride. We headed for Teddington Lock. The Anglers pub was having a firework display tonight and these fellas were waiting for the tide to go out so that they could set up the fireworks. I took loads of pictures.
My son whined the whole time. I wish I had left him at home. I even offered him the keys to the house but he refused to go on his own. He can be very difficult sometimes. There was a sign on the bridge saying 'no jumping, and no diving'. I was very tempted to throw him in.
My eldest daughter got a puncture on her back wheel so we had to walk back. It took a while to get back. I'm having problems with my ankles at the moment so it was a very painful walk back home. It was also very cold and our hands were freezing.
When we got home, it was time for tea. We usually have roast dinner on a Sunday but as hubby was away, I decided not to bother. I started making lasagne. The girls wanted to help and then started arguing about who should help. I walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room and slammed the door. As soon as the door was shut, I realised that I shouldn't have done that. The door handles are broken and I was stuck. My youngest daughter got into such a state. I couldn't even open the window to the garden. Stubborn, old Victorian windows. The kids were on the other side of the door and the youngest was in floods of tears screaming "get her out, get her out". I eventually got the window open and handed one of the door knobs to the kids and we managed to open the dining room door.
When I got to the kitchen, the girls had made a right mess of the lasagne. One sheet at the bottom and another on the top with about 7 cm of meat and white sauce in between.

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