
By Fisherking

Wallace out over yon river................

Blip world meet Wallace "The Legend"

Wally was, until this year, a member of our quiz team. He's given up this year to play dominoes on a Monday, and he's sadly missed. He's never been married, and since he retired and discovered computers (having been an avid reader all his life) he has a huge well of knowledge. Specialisms:- Opera, Literature, Jazz, Boxers and The Periodic Table!

He's an eccentric, is Wally and he comes up with the most amazing random statements in the middle of conversations! Example after one quiz we were all talking about one of the questions when Wally piped up with " Hey, Kieran have you seen that late night channel on Sky....the one with the naked ladies wrestling in mud?" I spilt my beer over that one.

Or how about shortly after I returned from my trip to Siberia...."Hey Kieran I've brought you some thing you'll probably like to read"...........Anna Karenina! Lucky it wasn't War and Peace.

Then there was today. He phoned at about 4.30 and said "Hey Helen, do you two want to come to a party tonight? It's my birthday, I'm 80, we're starting at 8.30!" So naturally, knowing he lives alone and he has no family except for a sister on the Isle of Wight, we said "Yes". We thought it would be a quiet night in his local with just a few of us from the quiz team. Not a bit of it...... it was a buffet in his local pub.......with KARAOKE!!! He'd invited all his neighbours and there were some real characters there!

I don't know if you've noticed but there's something else about Wally. Doesn't he remind you of some one famous off the TV? Lives in Springfield?

Yup, he's a ringer for Monty Burns of Simpsons fame.

Das vidanya my friends and "Smithers take that man outside and have him beaten to a pulp"

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