
By tookie

Winter Blues on the way

Weather wise the sun actually came out in various locations today. It all depended where you were or went. We headed up north going from the sun to what at first were very ominous black clouds but ended up in partial sunshine again! We visited our friend whose daughter is dying from cancer...a tough and sad visit ...took her mom out to breakfast and then the dogs to a beach dog park. It was pretty cold so I ended up back in the car while Big R watched the two hooligans---I just affectionately call them this as they were very patient waiting for their turn today. Big R saved a treat of some bacon scraps for them:) Came home and mostly I have slept feeling rather depressed...monkeyed around with processing to produce what I call the winter blues! I think tomorrow a hair cut and Y workout after driving my am run should put me back on track mind wise for a bit!!! Thanks for the nice comments yesterday:)

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