Mainichi no Kioku

By saki

Another flower..

Early in the morning, i just realised my mum bought a new tiny potted plant. The flowers are blooming! So I took them indoor and took some shots. They are lovely! :D

Presentation went well today BUT the lecturer doesn't seems to be very pleased. I think his body language said it all. (I am very much into body language nowadays as I find it really really interesting!)

I have one more presentation to go and on Wednesday it is gonna be my FYP event! Oh gosh~ I don't think I am very well prepared for this! T_T On Thuraday, I am going back to Marina bay Sands AGAIN to attend a BMW private event for another tutorial! Sometimes I really wish that they can make the tutorials less complicated! Friday is gonna be another long day.

I can totally forsee this hectic week ahead! Rest, I need a good rest...


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