Dr Jones

By jones

A very grainy picture

Just one of those days today.
I lost a cheque (worth £1700).
I spent hours looking for it and eventually found it 8 hours later.
I'm also missing $2000. I recently sold some American shares and the buggers took 28% tax ! I had to call some guy in New York who promised me he'd get it back for me. I bet you by the time I get it back, the pound will be much stronger against the dollar.
My daughter had taken her entry for the Christmas card competition to school today. I had scanned it before setting off for school and told myself I'd save it later. Of course, by the time I got my fingers on the keyboard, it was all sticky and the kids had been on it. They'd closed photoshop and probbaly answered 'no' to the question ' do you want to save that picture your mum scanned this morning before taking you to school?'.
I had planned to make my own Christmas cards with her picture (it had taken her hours). Maybe the teacher will let me borrow it tomorrow?
Early night for me.

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