Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Portsmouth Harbour

Took a detour over Portsdown Hill this evening to catch a night time blip on the way home for work. Stepped out of the car and realised that the cold wind we've all suffered over the past 36 hours had not yet died down. I nearly abandoned todays blip when I thought..."Well, I've come all this way and it would be a shame to waste an opportunity."

So, I got the tripod out and set up for a couple of shots. First one was no good, so I had another go. Realising that I wasn't going to get anything better, I settled for this one. I then very quickly packed up the gear and headed on down the road where Emsie was welcoming me with a nice, winter warming sasage casserole.

Unfortunately this photo is blurred due to the wind, but with the long exposure needed, I couldn't do much about that. If anyone knows different, please give me some good advice. Tonight, it was just a case of blip and run!

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