Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

This will prob be my most unpopular blip...

This is bit of a tradition in our kitchen.

There's always been spontaneous dancing happening but tonight we are split.

This is Daisyglaisy dancing to The Smiths on her quest to convince Beth how great they are.

An age old difference of opinion between us.

For 15 years Daisyglaisy has been trying to convince me I like The Smiths.
I just don't. I've tried so many times, really I have. Best attempt was to listen to nothing else in the car on way to work and back for a week. I did it....... and nothing.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate their influence, the connection they make with folk, I mean I even appreciate the music, especially the guitar playing but as a whole package I just don't get it. It makes me cringe. I comment back to lyrics I hear saying things like "no you don't!!" or " poor you, my heart bleeds mate but just get on with it and stop moaning". I actually talk back to recorded music. No other band made me do that. There MUST be something there.
What I've seen they were great performers too.

I just find it all a bit too much to the point of whingy and annoying and self indulgent.

Now added to that, I play and write original tunes with my bandmates, in middle of a new album now. I feel I "should" like them...... But sorry, I just can't. I'm sure Daisyglaisy will march on in her quest, I hope she does and maybe one day I will get it. Apart from maybe "How soon is now" it's ok but goes on a bit.

Sorry and thanks for looking.

When should I expect the hatemail?

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