Club 107

By club107

There's my way or the not very highway

Why oh why oh why. Seriously there are times when you think, I wonder what the difference would be if I do x or will this be any better. I tell you, never never ever again.

Yesterday on the way to work, I arrived at a roundabout. The road to the left is the one I normally take, so I took it. It took me 6 minutes to the office, from that point. I asked myself, I wonder what the difference would have been had I gone straight on, even imagining me inching my way towards another roundabout. Previously I always would have taken this other route, where cars move faster.

So this morning I took the challenge to see what difference going straight on would do. Imagining myself on the quiet route as I inched towards the next roundabout. Then I continued to imagine myself arriving at the office, getting my coffee and as I made my second fatal error, I imagined myself getting on with some work, speaking to colleagues. I kept imagining for the next 30 minutes. So I shall stick to the quiet route, where I see the friendly lollipop lady, see kids going to school and get there without any stress.

Never ever ever if you happen to be going to work with me in a car, let me suggest we try an alternative route, ever.

Violin with child #1 getting good, badminton was excellent, someone new and very good was there so we all played very well.

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