Patience rewarded

In yesterday's blip journal I wrote that I waited and waited and waited for a bird to light in the tree with the beautiful red berries, but yesterday the birds weren't cooperating. Today I returned to the tree to wait some more, and this time my patience was rewarded. I was hoping for a tufted titmouse, but I got a robin instead. Maybe that's better because the robin is more colorful than the little grey and white titmouse. One of the underrated requirements for successful blipping is patience, and today it paid off.

The weather was beautiful this morning, chilly but clear, and we are promised more of the same for the rest of the week. Serendipity!

I'm not at all sure why the ISO was (an unnecessary) 640. Maybe I wasn't as wide awake as I thought I was this morning because that's where it was and that's where it stayed until I just now changed it. Crazy!

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