Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Birthday cake

And so the celebrations continue with Callum discovering there's still a huge slice of birthday cake left over, just for him. Callum at 2 years and 3 days.

It's been a wild animal week...

Today Callum and I hit the park in glorious sunshine whilst Reuben was at school, then onto the library for some signing books. I marvelled at Reuben tonight looking at the photos which used multiple images to create movement in the signs. He'd replicate the signs he saw and then sign and say the word back to me. Pretty impressive given he's only learnt sign from movement rather than pictures, mostly me signing to him and also through Signing Time videos. I mavelled too at the fact that one of the books was geared towards teaching older elementary/junior school kids to sign, and there's wasn't one new sign in there for him to learn. He'd already mastered all the signs the book had to offer. So with a vocabulary of more than a 1,000 signs, plus phrases, concepts and sentences under his belt already, I guess that one'll be going back. And Callum's words and sentences steam forward in leaps and bounds daily. Oh were I to have recorded them all...

This shot naturally lit in Reuben's bedroom aka the studio. Callum is such a great sport when his Mama wants him to pose. Thank you darling! And the cake, well that was dutifully demolished.

PS BackBlipping these last few days... In the craziness that has been the last week of birthday preparations and our family shoot for charity, my day of pampering at Toni & Guy and shopping for an outfit, my Blipping's taken a back seat.

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