
By cracker

Zucchini plant

I took Spence into daycare this morning then came back and washed the windows! Kaz and I had another day together today so we decided to go and play golf again. Dave (Robyn's husband) came with us as well! He used to play competition about 15 years ago but hadn't played in a few years. It was lovely, Dave showed us a few tips which was great! I ended up on 69 for 9 holes and got one birdie on a par three! It was very exciting!

We came home and Cheryl came to stay the night to look after Spence so Kaz and I went out to tea and to the movies! We went to a Chinese restaurant in Warragul which was really nice and then we went and saw 'Life As We Knew It' which we enjoyed, it was a bit sad but funny as well!

This is one of our zucchini plants that we have just planted. Spence and Kaz went out to water it this afternoon so I took this just after!

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