Happy 88th birthday

I can't remember the last time that I was home for my granny's birthday so I was keen to see her and share a birthday cup of tea. There was a bit of cleaning up to do since last night's gales had overturned the bird table and the robin was mighty annoyed with the mess. Rory and I sorted that out while mum did the tea. Gran complained about not having a cake (oops!) but the cherry liqueurs helped her to forget that oversight. It was fantastic to spend some time with the birthday lady who looked really gorgeous in her silver blouse and holding the posie of flowers that her granddaughter's bridesmaid gave her on Saturday's wedding. Granny was the oldest person at the wedding and she's still as sharp as mustard. She'd really like a new back for her birthday, but that one's impossible. Here eyesight is sorted, though, hence she's the only one not wearing glasses! We'll make her a bionic woman yet.

I saw a potential wedding venue today, which has started the ball rolling after some months of procrastination. Watch this space.

It's been a fantastic weekend up in Inverness with the family. It's always lovely to see you all and it won't be too long before we meet up again.

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