Oh, you're up there!

12 months + 20 days

A lovely day today, Katie's been in one of her extra lovely good moods. We started the day well, she came for a feed at 6, but then fell asleep until 7.15. A big breakfast eaten, we went to get her weighed... and she's put weight on, hurrah! 18lb 11 now. Oh, and tooth number 3 has now cut

We went to tea and toast afterwards, where she troughed her toast, then went off to play. She got a bit trampled by a few of the other kids and one of her friends spent the morning trying to pull Monkey from her, so in the end Katie came and sat on my knee playing, bless her. She was shattered afterwards, and fell asleep.

After dinner, Jack and his mum came round and Katie went completely mental! She was her full-hyper self. My friend lent me her hubby to come and fix the radiators in the bedrooms - turned out a bit of a tap with the hammer was all it needed to make them come on, so now Mummy won't freeze and Katie's is giving full heat, not just a bit!

A quick trip to Tescos was required, I decided to make stew and dumplings after a delivery of yummy vegetables from my parents, only I needed the stuff for the dumplings! So now there is stew simmering AND a cake in the oven! Feeling rather proud... we'll see if it all turns out ok!

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