Our five mile world

By hazyheap

The contours of an icy puddle

Bill again on blip patrol this morning as I headed off to Dundee as the sun was just beginning to rise in the west. It was such an stunning sunrise with pink and red reflections on the clouds that I stopped in a layby to watch it as I finished my travel mug of steaming hot Lady Grey tea.
I wished that I had my camera to capture it, so took a quick snap on my
i-phone in case Bill hadn't managed to get out and about.

but...................on returning home and looking on the computer, the dilemma was to be which of his photos to choose.

We both loved this one which reminded Bill of his mountaineering and map reading days in the bygone days of yore when GPS did not exist.
Paper maps and compasses were we had.

Temperatures had dropped to minus 6 degrees this morning brrr!

Ingvild has just arrived for supper so I'd better go and open a bottle of wine!

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