Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Return of the Swans

You almost got a sunrise and a sunset today but I decided to give it a rest for today!

Last winter/early spring there were a pair of swans resident at City Quay. I haven't seen them for months so assumed they had moved on. This lunchtime after attending an intriguing seminar on self assessment (???) I opened the back door to the office to enjoy some fresh air over lunch and wake myself up The sky was bright blue, the water calm and the air still (no wind for a change).

I spotted the swans at the far end of the Quay and as I only had my little camera in the bag I thought there was no chance of them coming close enough for a shot. So I sat down and began munching. Looked up a few minutes later and there they were on my side of the Quay, right outside the door (unlike the cormorant who never obliges)

Not the best picture as they are down in the water, no other scenery can be captured to add interest, but there is something elegant about a swan which begs for a picture to be taken.

I am quite glad in a way that they are down in the water and I am up on the Quay. I understand they can break and arm with their beaks if they have a mind to ;)

Lets hope they stay for a while.

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