Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Shepherds Delight

Thankfully a much calmer day on the weather front but a definite chill in the air. Busy day at work with my continued conscription on to the office Social Committee reinforced by being called to attend the first meeting to organise the office Christmas "do" in around 4 weeks (arghh!)

A veritable minefield of high level decisions to be taken;

-Lunch : cold, hot, buffet, sit down?
-Secret Santa : How much and any people who must on no account draw a.n. other individual
- Santa : Go with last years successful volunteer or risk recruiting a new one (this could cause offense to last years and deny others of a life long wish) It was agreed to go with last years on account of the fact that the current santa suit might not fit the potential incumbent and budget restrictions would not allow for a new purchase to be made
- Annual Awards : much debate on the sense of humour failure suffered by some last year. Overall it was decided that most enjoyed and it would be repeated. In order to be more inclusinve, it was suggested that the office was asked for suggestions for new categories
- Quiz : A reminder was issued to last year's quiz master (and social committee member) not to take offense when his judgement is questioned this year.
- Karaoke/Singstar : Debated as a late afternoon option. Issues of budget to fund purchasing the necessary bits and bobs. This is to be investigated and reported back
- Prizes : It was agreed that no tacky medals would be purchased by last years quiz master and that there should be a fairer distribution of selection boxes
- Date set for trip to poundland to purchase necessary tat
- Drinks : It was agreed that last years drink budget had proved satisfactory and was appreciated well into May. It is hoped that this can be repeated.

After functioning at that high level of decision making for 2 hours it was a welcome relief to drive home :)

This shot is straight from the new camera - a bank of cloud rolling out just as the sun went down over the hill.

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