Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Afraid of the Moon

Just before dinner I stepped out onto the upstairs deck overlooking the backyard and the view toward our city. I saw the thumbnail moon, but the voice inside me said,

"Nah, you'll never get that! You never do with your cheapie little rinky dink camera."

So I tried anyway.

When I was a little girl I was afraid of the moon. I guess that sounds pretty stupid. I've finally gotten over that, I guess because Mr. Fun is always saying,

"Hey, wow, look at the moon!"

I guess today there are lots of other things I am afraid of. Tonight one of those would be that I'll wake-up in the morning and not have all the compositions graded that I need to return to my students in tomorrow's class. If I don't want to have bad dreams all night, I better finish the grading.

Actually the grading may cause me to have bad dreams. Their papers have been much less than stellar . . . it was an in-class essay . . . all the information they needed to write about was in their textbook. They'd rather text-message than study the book and practice writing an essay.

These are the folks who want to be the future professionals of our world. There's another thing that makes me afraid. Now I'm definitely going to have bad dreams.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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