Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Someday . . .

Someday I won't "have" to wake early on Thursday morning to get to the campus to assist students with their writing.

When Mr. Fun looked out the upstairs bedroom window before the sun arrived and ooohed and aaaaahed, I knew the sight needed to be captured. Mr. Fun did me the favor by stepping into the chilly air on the outside deck with my point and shoot.

Then as I drove toward the campus, I had my camera ready, thinking that just maybe the view would be a moment of wonder. It was.

Someday I won't "have" to drive these streets to get to work. So I'll have the memory saved here just in case I long to see the way to work. Does anyone ever miss work once retiring? I'm sure they do. So I guess I need to make the question more personal. I'm wondering if I'll miss working.

I'm wondering all of this because this afternoon we had an appointment with a retirement counselor. He thinks I ought to retire sooner rather than later. I'm not so sure I agree. I have a fairly nice job/career/profession -- no matter what its titled.

In these recessionary times I'm not so sure that letting go of a good job is a smart move. I started my teaching career late in life. I was 41. When I started late, I never planned to end early. I guess I'm still holding to my original plan.

I'm in my 21st year of teaching. One week from toay is my 62nd birthday. (Really there's a 22 year-old living inside this body.) I don't think I'm ready to stop, to retire, not just yet.

So this morning the 2-mile drive to the campus seemed to be more meaningful than somedays. Maybe it was just that I wasn't stressing about the day and all that I had to accomplish and that was probably because I was better prepared than usual. I don't know. I do know that the sky caught my attention this morning and I enjoyed it immensely.

I wish I understood everything the retirement counselor explained. He made it all sound so matter of fact. So simple. Sometimes I wonder if life is ever simple.

From Southern California where rain is predicted.
Rosie & ( Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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