Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy & I

My little legs not quite strong enough,
my balance not quite there,
arms in the air, off I waddle,
no sense of direction,
just hope and a prayer,
I'll land in the right area,
of were ever I may be headed,
My little arms up in the air,
to help me balance,
my little bum wobbling away,
mumbling to myself, quite happily,
Off I go to find mummy,
upside on her pole, watch her fly, watch her flop,
So that's what its for,
not to lick or taste, nor to bash as a drum,
its there to make mummy yelp & cuss,
that looks so much more interesting, can I play,
Up I go, wee now this is one way to keep fit,
its funny watching mummy,
esp when she is in hyper mode,
more on that another day!!

mummy wants to share some more pics with you
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