Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

How Dare they....

How very dare they,
there I was pottering round the kitchen,
when suddenly this big white cage,
suddenly appeared out of no were,
Oh My, Now this is not on,
I need to be able to have full run of the house,
How dare they section off one part,
this cannot be allowed.....ooo hang on,
they missed a bit, quick, move,
before they notice, I pull and away it comes,
yes the kitchen is mine again,
whoah, hang on, my legs are dangling,
noooooooooooooo, I grab the side,
I will not be put back over,
howling in displeasure, the white cage is fortified,
my gap has gone, I pace up and down,
like a guard on watch, waiting for a gap,
But none comes, so off I stomp....
when daddy captures this,
my thoughts of the new white cage!!!!!

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