Ready to go!

12 months 22 days

Katie didn't wake up for proper until 8am today, she'd had a bit of a late night then was up for an hour at 3, then fed at 6, and we both fell back to sleep. As a result, we were in a bit of a rush to get to gymnastics in time. But we got there and her and Ava had huge smiles for each other.

She charged round soft play for a while, until the girls hit starvation point as usual! I think her top teeth must be hurting her as twice she just started to cry and has been gnawing her hand. Thankfully a friend at softplay had calpol sachets in their bag so i think that helped to settle her enough to have a 2 hour nap

We had a parcel to collect from the post office, jobs to do at the bank, so she walked on her reins, stopping for good kick and stomp in the leaves.

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