All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Twelve Hours!

It has finally happened.

Ethan went to bed at 7.30pm last night without a fuss. And he slept. And carried on sleeping. Not a peep out of him all night. And he woke at 7.40am! Lay quite happily in his cot for 15 minutes, chatting away to himself, before I brought him through to my room for his feed. What a boy! It has only taken 11 months for this achievement - fingers crossed it's not a one off event!

Foreveryoung stayed the night last night so it was lovely to have her with us for the whole morning and most of the afternoon. We all went along to Bounce & Tickle in East Calder this morning. Ethan & I had already been to a session in Broxburn earlier in the week but knew another mummy friend we've made, but haven't seen for a few weeks, would be there today. So was good to see her and her wee boy. Have also made arrangements to catch up with her properly on Monday. Her wee boy will be going to the same nursery as Ethan next year so hopefully the two of them will become friends.

Ever since Ethan really grasped the concept of forward crawling last weekend, he's becoming more and more confident. When he spotted the washing machine was on earlier he made a beeline for that and loved watching it all spinning round and round. He has also really got the hang of pulling himself up onto his feet and does so at any given opportunity. At bathtime this evening he crawled from his nursery to the bathroom and hauled himself up on his feet to peer over the side of the bath at the running water. He's clearly loving the independence of being able to go wherever he wants now!

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