Family 6

By meganrose

Rory Rocks Out.

Rory os much better today but I woke up to poor Farrah having a terrible bout of coughing. At least she had (and I) had managed a full nights sleep, so I didn't mind the 7am wake up call.

Today Rory has been strangely compliant with having his picture taken - he pulled lots of poses (And faces!)faces!)whilst I happily snapped away, imagining him on the cover of an album! When he was born we gave him the middle name Alistaire, ading the 'e' to make it sound more like Astaire! My friend did comment that 'he sounds famous already'....

Farrah practiced her rock chick moves in the lime light... And I really liked this one as an album cover....

However, the one I've chosen was the view you would get if you were passing our house, this particular Saturday morning, and I rather liked that!

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