Family 6

By meganrose

Halleluja it's Friday!

Hmm - I may change this yet. I've struggled with deciding today, but have gone for 'something different'.

Today I visited Grandma, who is in hospital again, and she seemed in good spiirits. She fell from bed again about 3 weeks ago and ended up back on the ward. After a bad week or two she suddenly became her 'oldself' again and it was good to see her.

The picture should be Rory today, the poor boy has an awful cough and temperature, meaning we have had to cancel our intended visit to our friends, Ali and Matt's house. We were SO looking forward to it, but it just doesn't seem fair. I did get a picture of him, smiling and having a hug from daddy this morning, here, I've tried uploading some to Flickr, so thought I should have a go at linking too - but not sure if I've sussed it...
Anyway, whilst taking the above picture, ...Farrah came to have a look too. (Hopefully I have satisfied their fans...!).

Anyway, let me know if this techno-novice has sussed it out.

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