Vines through an olive tree

One of the few photos I've taken today as I've spent six hours over lunch. Our friends whose grapes we helped pick invited all the people who had helped them to a meal. There were fourteen of us and we started with apéritifs and mussels in the sun on the terrace next to the cave where the wine is still maturing. Then indoors for the four courses: monkfish and mussels in sauce Armoricaine, lamb with garlic potatoes, cheese and dessert. We even tasted the new wine, although it needs another year to mature in the vats, and there were other good wines to accompany each course.

It was dark by the time we finished and I've come home very tired, full and with my head spinning with all the conversations we've had about wine, politics, village affairs and more.

A year ago today I blipped the vines and olive trees near Chateau de Cassan, and this is the vineyard next to it. I was hoping to take more photos of the olive trees and ripe olives but there was someone picking the olives when I got there.

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