Club 107

By club107

CSI South Edinburgh - Dan Kowalski

I used to take many photos of myself, trying to look like a cross between James Dean and Tintin. I don't tend to do that any more, for some reason, maybe it is obvious I don't know. I don't mind having my photo taken, but I am often shocked at how fierce and erm unapproachable I always look. I am actually not really like that at all.

So this is actually Inspector Dan Kowalski who just happened to be passing today, in between the usual Saturday Schmatterday stuff, he was investigating a lack of self portraits, not a killer crime it has to be said and also the appearance of many whiskers on upper lips.

I am very much a person who sets kind of targets, one of these this year was try and give something back, more than I normally do, which wasn't very much, hence the desire to do it. So I am growing a moustache, quite similar to Kowalski's, for charity. It is far better for my soul to wander around looking pretty embarassing for a month than to find time to run or do something else. If they did sponsor badminton 4 hour events, I could probably earn quite alot of money. Let me know if you know of one. Maybe I should organise it.

So my moustache, or certainly growing it without beard, has actually at times been quite difficult actually, not the general embarassment but more to do with who I am. My father had a moustache, his wedding photo saw him sporting what can only be described as a very sharp tasche, he looked damn good, not like some policeman like me.

Staring at myself inspecting my newly grown facial hair, it was impossible not to see my father looking back at me, I resemble him alot. In fact people still say this to me, to this day, 27 years after his death.

I think there are quite a few reasons there to grow a moustache for charity, don't you?

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