
12 months + 24 days

Katie loves any excuse for a balloon; Mummy has been saving this red one specially for today. So hooray for balloon day from Katie and Monkey, hooray for 200 from Mummy, consecutive since June. Worth viewing large! (click the magnifiying glass at the bottom right of the picture, Grandad)

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read/view/comment on our blip. And a huge thank you to all at blipcentral. I can't believe 200 entries have passed. I'm so proud of all that Katie has achieved in that time. 200 days ago, she was a gorgeous baby. Now, she is a beautiful little toddler, with so much personality, enthusiasm and energy. She makes every day brighter for those who meet her, and none more so than me. This is her journal, so she deserved this blip day to be totally her blip day - 200 shots of all she's achieved so far. Love you darling Katiemoo xxxx

Today we are heading to Church this morning, see the Cousins, play in creche. This afternoon Mummy is hoping Katie may consideratly sleep at around 1pm, so I can catch at least some of the final grand prix. I will be happy with whoever is champion so long as it's not Alonso! But I'd love it to be Webber's (even though I'm a Hamilton fan, so I'd be pleased with that outcome too!)

Later on, it'll be a bit of a walk out to jump in some leaves and puddles before home for roast veggies and yummy mash!

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