All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

It's a bugs life

Had a funny old day today.

Started off in the morning nipping down The Centre with Ethan at 11am. As it had only been open for an hour I was surprised to find the car parks so busy with not a parent and child space in sight. Just as I was getting Ethan out the car, someone left from a parent & child slot and a guy immediately screeched in and got out ... alone. I politely told him he was in a parent & child space and will leave to your imagination the torrent of abuse I got back from him ending in it's none of my business where he parks! Charming! I peeped in his car as I was passing and surprise surprise no kids seats in it. Although I did carry on into The Centre, I left after 5 minutes as I was worried I'd come back and find he had keyed my car! As luck would have it, the car park security chap was doing the rounds as I got back so I had a whinge to him about it and he stickered the guys car for me!

In the afternoon, hubbie and I drove over to Strathclyde Country Park with Ethan for a visit to Amazonia. It was smaller than we expected and slightly disappointing. Even Ethan didn't seem so interested in the animals etc there as he was at Butterfly World recently.

We then popped in to The Fort for a wee bit of shopping before heading home, via Tobys Carvery at Bathgate for dinner. Ethan did manage a wee plateful of vegetables but I think more ended up on the restaurant carpet than in his mouth!

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