Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Flame tree

Busy weekend, I haven't had time to do my blips till now, but at least I remembered to take some photos yesterday and Friday.

This is my Friday effort - it's the view of next door but one's garden from our bedroom window, aided by a little bit of zoom. I loved the bright colour of this little tree, nestling in amongst all the big trees.

They have so many trees in their (very large) garden. He is the village tree warden (I suspect that might be a position he's invented, but you never know) and got quite animated when Gary shinned up one of our trees and hacked it down from the top. Gary does tend to do extreme gardening, usually involving a chain saw.

You can see a tiny bit of our garden bottom right in the photo - that's our dying hedge. It's now spreading so I think we're probably going to have to dig up the dead bits and replant - when I say 'we', obviously I'm hoping to come home one day & find out that Gary has set to with the chainsaw.

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