Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Droplets on Grass

Another rainy day, so what do you do when life deals you lemons, you make lemonade; or in this case you use the raindrops where you can.

I played around with my macro lens, and I was able to get this shot, but most of them were out of focus. I have a hard time with macros, but I absolutely love taking macro shots. If they turn out, they are the greatest.

I spent some time today with some of my friends who are getting together a garage sale for another friend of ours who has terminal cancer. She is only in her early 30's, and has a husband and 2 daughters. She had colon cancer about a year and 1/2 ago, and had radiation, surgery, chemo, then more surgery, radiation and chemo. Then she went to Mexico and got on some natural treatments from the Hoxey Clinic.

The poor little thing is only about 4' 8" tall and all that treatment about did her in. But, she survived it all and they told her she was cancer free. Now, though, the doctors say the cancer has metastasized through her body. She went back to Mexico and got on treatments again, and is on chemo again. We are all trying to help her out and pray she will beat the odds and survive so she can live to see her children grow up.
Her husband is the stepfather to her daughters, and he is a great dad. He is from Sweden, and the girls really love him, but he has not been able to adopt them. So, if she does not make it, we don't know what will happen to them. They do have a real dad, but I don't think he has been in the picture much.

Anyway, since she is not able to work right now, we are all trying to help out by having some garage sales for them. That's about all we can do; a situation like this makes you feel so helpless.

Such a sad note to end my journal with today; the weather is not helping either. I hope that Monday will be a good day for all.

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