Gnarly issues.

Why is it that just when you think you are making progress you have to end up re evaluting the situation and find yourself back to where you started.

Have been waiting for around six weeks now to find out Tom's final diagnosis as to whether he is officially autistic or not. He show all the autistic needs but unless he is diagnosed he won't be able to access all the help available.

Now I don't necesarily want to have a label on the little man but if it helps him to lead a better life then who cares.

After ringing up the psychologists to find out what progress (if any) had been made I was informed that the psychologist dealing with Tom was on indefinate leave and they were waiting for a relacement.

This begs the questionof when they were going to inform us.

All I care about is being able to offer my son the help he deserves.

I know we we are not alone in encountering the beauocracy that has become our health service but that just makes me feel worse.


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