
By spitzimixi

light and dark

Today was dark. Proper dark. Winter dark.
It even snowed. But not pretty snow, just wet and cold snow.
People look cold and are dressed in dark colours, huddled under roofs and under bus shelters. Windows reflect pale, grim faces...
In the town the Christmas lights are on and everything is reflecting light. Stars and circles, glitter and flashes of reds. On days like this, one really gets the message of all the religious and pre-religious festivals happening round about now - bring light and warmth! Bring warm food and good company! Bring presents, bring love! Sing together, play together! Because it's damn horrible out there...we need to feel that we are not alone in this dark and cold, that there are other people out there caring for us and sharing the drabness, making fun and lightness with us.
So, in the (paraphrased) words of the song I loved so much as a child - be a little candle in the darkness, you in your small corner and I in mine. Lets get some light into this place! :-)

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