
By Sox

Long Grass beside the Railway Line

I will one of these days get a train blip and not just the grass. Tried with the lensbaby but focus was off and they dont sit still waiting for you to get it right! Due to the recent earthquake many goods are being "trained" down from the north island to try and replace lost and damaged goods and shortages due to the inability of the big warehouses to store their supplies. We have certainly noticed the increasing frequecy and heaviness of the trains in the last few weeks. They are massive and the ground shakes a lot more than we can possibly remember. Add that to the earthquake aftershocks and we are having a very shakey time around here. Engineers finished measuring the house, and have gone back to the office to design a repair plan. Hope they get stuck in and have great creative concentration this afternoon.

Greatest achievement of recent years, I went to the dentist and survived!
It is never as bad as I expect, and I wonder what all the fear and avoidance is all about. Would have liked to blip his nasty instruments, but was too shy to ask, besides camera shake might have shown a deeper psychological trauma at work.

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