"Boys Toys"

Just a quick shot of my son and his absolute favorite toy, his bike. The electrical tape on the handlebars is from the one and only time the kids left their bikes behind mom's car....

When we built our house, we purposely built an oversized garage for riding bikes, shooting hoops, and whatever else the kids may want to do during the rainy winter months. It works really, really well for us, and the kids get to do their "outdoor" activities inside!

Although my son LOVES his bike, he now has his sights set a bit higher...lately we have heard quite often, "Someday I will have a sateboard (skateboard) momma...." Never in a million years did I think I'd even consider getting my 2 1/2 year old son a skateboard...that was all determined of course before he was born :) After watching him handle himself on his bike, I can't help but think he would be quite coordinated and do really well. We'll see, it's on the Christmas list for now :)

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