This day

By snapper

Bath time!

Decided it was time the two bunnies had a bath as they were looking a little scruffy and while I was at it I cleaned out the veranda where they live during the winter. The Vatersay Boys (Guinea pigs) are are clean as a whistle but the bunnies had spent all summer digging up my front garden ending up with a four foot trench!
Both of them got a bath which they liked, this was Black buns first ever bath but he took it in good grace, Evil Rabbit has had a few baths in her time and quite enjoys it. They both got fluffed dry with the towel though Evil likes the hair dryer! They are both inside warming their tootsies by the fire until they are bone dry then they will go back out with the Vatersay Boys who are meantime chomping their way through a mountain of goodies.
Well we survied yesterdays gammon so it must have been ok! today I will use the leftovers for the dinner.
I love spotify, got a huge selecction of Christmas songs onto my playlist for Chirstmas day and guess what? I purchased my first chirstmas present, organised or what?
Now off to clean the bath after the rabbits have been using it! fear not, we a quite a clean family, really!

Have a clean blip evening all

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