13 Months

13 months

Where has the last month gone! She woke full of smiles this morning, which I thought was a great sign. Sadly, it didn't mean she was better, just that she's a very strong spirited little lady.

We went to Church this morning, and she fell asleep in the car going there, which she rarely does. When I went to get her from creche, she was laid beside her bag, looking really rather tired and less-than-her-best.

This afternoon she had a coughing fit and threw up all over Monkey, and cried at the sight. Thankfully, she had spare Monkey,although she missed him by millimetres too, as she had been cuddling them both.

We've had some lovely play time and big smiles, in between the poorliness. She ate a bit of tea, which is progress.

Katie at 13 months

* weighs 18lb 11
* has 3 teeth
* can throw a ball
* drinks from a big cup
* has discovered trifle
* feeds herself with a spoon and fork
* loves to draw
* gives fantastic running cuddles from across the room
* says want-that, who-this, coat, shoes, grandma,
* does sheep and cow noises.
* has discovered there are two Monkeys and prefers to have them both
* will come and take my hand and lead me to what she wants
* now tidies up not just throws things everywhere!
* has hair long enough for bunches
* does the actions to wheels on the bus and wind the bobbin up perfectly.
* will tolerate having her nose wiped, but only if you ask her permission first

She likes:
* going underwater
* crawling through tunnels
* trying to run with the big kids
* kisses and cuddles with mummy
* white chocolate
* hot cross buns
* brushing her teeth
* building with bricks
* to be a big girl as much as possible

She doesn't like:
* being strapped down in anything
* being made to wait to get in the swimming pool
* getting out of the bath, until she's snuggled in a big towel.
* cold porridge!

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