As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Orchestra concert today!

I got to the theater at 1:30, we went on at around 2:25, and we were off of the stage at 3:00. Short, sweet, and to the point. We actually sounded better than I was expecting. Good job everyone!

I wanted to stay and hear the Principal Orchestra play. Their concert wasn't until 5:00 so me and my mom sat there for two hours...I read all of Anthem :) I love that book. It was great and everyone should read it. I hope to read Ayn Rand's other books.

The quote yesterday was from Anthem.

I got back at around 7:30 because we stopped to pick up Chinese food for dinner :)

GOOD NEWS!!!! Matt (see Thursday) is awake and talking! He's not necessarily saying coherent things, but he's speaking none the less!

This is the orchestra after their last song.

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