With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Peaks and troughs

I made a couple of desicions yesterday that may make life a little harder in some ways, but I think will the best for all of us. It means that I have to be up with the larks, or at least the motos, but will be cracking on with the day. I went for an hour's walk (twice the speed of the last time I did the same one a few weeks back), partly because my legs are cramping a lot and it's the only way they don't hurt. I happened to bump into a friendly neorosurgeon later who reassured me that was to be expected. I called in for teas and coffees around the town, caught up with a lot of people I hadn't seen for a while, and the world seemed a much brighter place than yesterday. It could have been the blue skies, I get the feeling we here are very much ruled by the glimpses of the sun we get from late morning onwards.

The ground beneath the orange and lemon trees is a soft, green bed of sorrel and some lemon trees are in bloom. The cooperativa is busy crushing olives and on the road to Deiá this afternoon I saw people leaing into the trees to get the wildest and most inaccesible fruits. The evening light was fabulous, and the colours of the sea from the coast road fantastic, but I loved the contrast in the shadows across the mountains today, so that's what you get.

I've also managed to work out a way of doing a little teaching work in a more ergonomical way which should get my brain going a bit more.

Now my dilemma is whether to stay watching the embers of the fire or get to bed really early. Maybe a little compromise. I can't do early bed on a day like today.

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