Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Mo Bro

This is my Mo Bro Drew (from Tea Tree) sporting his Movember effort. It's not bad but wait until you see Jamie's, most impressive! He'll be next on my Mo Bro hit list.
I may just wander around for the rest of the week bothering moustachioed men for photographs. Current and relevent blipping, or just a slightly scary stalker with a bit of a fetish?! Must admit, I do love a good tash, am enjoying Movember very much! :0)

ps. For the uninitiated Movember is a grow-your-moustache-during-November-for-charity event. I think its mostly a man thing but I'm sure any hairy lipped ladies could join in too. Having said that, I think I'll pass on this one ;)

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