As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Trinity + Wantagh = :D

School was really easy today. We watched Ace Ventura: Pet Detective in math, I went to orchestra lessons 6th and 7th, and I set up for the alumni reception 9th. Me, Jen, Arianna, and Perri rocked the streamer set up. The returning college freshmen looked really excited to see each other again. I even spotted a wild Jillybean! After that, me and Dan went for a 4 mile run. Right before we left the school, Jen came with a plate of brownies and offered them to us. Me, being stupid, took the biggest one and ate it as we started running. It tasted SO good but I felt disgusting during the run. :( It was worth totally worth it :)

No one else showed up to tennis today so I got an hour long private lesson :) I got a lot of practice and improved (as much as one could improve in one hour...). Piano right after that, but then the real fun began...

WANTAGH-TRINITY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julie had a Wantagh and Trinity party at her house so everyone could meet each other. I had to come 2 HOURS LATE because of piano but I'm glad I got to go at all. I had sooooooo much fun. I met Ashley, Maggie, and Katrina. I already knew Gina and Anthony. We listened to music, the dancers...danced, and everyone laughed A LOT! SUCCESS!!!

Here goes nothing: Anthony is the one with the paint bucket thing on his shirt in the left side, Hayley is up top with the glasses, Brianna is right next to her, Julie's below Brianna, Katrina is in between Anthony and Julie, Sophie is in the front, Brimo is by Sophie's right ear, Katie is on Sophie's head, Gwen's wayyyyy back there somewhere, Carly's in front of Gwen, Gina is in between me and Carly (I'm the one in the blue), Ashley is next to Carly and Maggie is on top of Ashley.

Whew, that was tiring. Not really. I just lied. I apologize. Not really. More lies!!! I need sleep. Buona sera tutti!

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