As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


School It felt like it lasted forever today...

Track was rough. I can't run fast. It's impossible. I ran a workout with Dan but I'm so much slower than him. Plus, I'm incapable of starting a sprint. I just look stupid and start too slow. Give me a distance run any day, but sprints...NO!!!

We got our new music today! The concert was Sunday and sounded decent enough. We got 4 pieces and they're not too difficult....but one piece (Finlandia) is very complex and difficult to fit together. We did okay for sight-reading today, but everyone needs to practice that piece before next Tuesday.

Somehow, we got on the topic of when babies are born with 6 fingers. She tried comparing that to how the violins needed to play their eighth notes... they just *plp* it right off. Short and quick. *plp*

Tomorrow should be an easy enough day. I'm excited for tomorrow night because I get to see Gwen and Julie and meet their new friends!!!

This is my finger...on a light switch...with a shadow.

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